
Insurers - Annual, Pre & Post Policy Health Check up

  • Annual Health Check up
  • Pre & Post Policy Health Check up

Annual Health Check-ups are a benefit provided under several health insurance plans where the insured becomes eligible for a free medical check-up every year. The medical check-up helps the insured to evaluate his/her current medical condition every year and check if he/she is at risk of contracting a disease. It conducts complete body analysis that includes heart health, organ health, metabolism rate, etc. With health insurance, policyholders do not have to worry about the cost of annual health check-ups.

Pre & Post Policy Health Check-ups are compulsory for insurance policies these days. These tests are important because they act as a benchmark against which the insurance firm can measure the policyholder’s health.

Think Health Care offers annual, Pre & Post policy medical exams or check-ups with a battery of tests and procedures that the possible policyholder is required to undergo before the policy is accepted by the insurer and health cover extended to the customer.